The theme for the International Women’s Day in 2022 is: Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”. 

It is a call for accelerating gender parity. It is to acknowledge and promote a sustainable tomorrow through gender parity.

In family life, in education, in jobs and profession, in governance and all such spheres both male and female need to enjoy equality of status and opportunity.

Women contribute as much as men for the progress and development of the world. Their capabilities need to be acknowledged and appreciated. The law of abortion in many countries is an encouragement to abort the female foetus. While women are hailed as divine figures in some countries, they are made victims of oppression, of bride burning, of acid attacks, etc. by male predators.

Most religions are male preserves. Decision making, governance etc. are done by men with a patriarchal prerogative. The priests and pundits may quote and preach charity, equality, justice etc. for public consumption. But, when it comes to respecting equal rights of women, the male world will not give up its assertion. Quite often, even women’s day is organised by men. It is also seen that, brainwashed and enslaved by a patriarchal system, many women submit like slaves to the male world.

Time women get educated. Time women become aware of their rights and the role in society. Time they stand up and assert their rightful place in society!

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