Jacob Hembrom

Youth is a valuable human resource of every human society. Youth has dynamic potentiality to change themselves, society, country and world at large. Mary McLeod Bethune, American educator, humanitarian and a civil rights activist once said, “We have a powerful potential in our youth, and we must have the courage to change old ideas and practices so that we may direct their power toward good ends”.

 We have a different scenario of youth in India.  Some are literate, some semi literate and some completely unlettered. The percentage of youth literacy varies from state to state. The challenges of youth also differ according to places. But there are common issues such as unemployment and illiteracy. There have capacity to achieve more but socio-economic circumstances prevent them from going ahead. We have seen how our educated youth migrate to cities in search of jobs. It is mere need and sometimes obligation that push them all to such circumstances.

The most creative and colorful period of their life is consumed and swallowed by activities most profane and abject in the ever exploding towns and cities. Over the years we have noticed and experienced that unrest among youth has been a problem.

The rural youth, who come to towns and cities in large numbers to seek employment, may feel as if liberated from the cramping controls of traditions institutions of rural life. But they face problems of adjustment such as language, manners, speech etc.

Rural life situation has been deteriorating for lack of development.  As a result the number of job- seekers march towards cities and town goes up . Therefore, the deteriorating economic conditions of the villages  and job  opportunities of cities are primary causes of  youth migrating from  the countryside  to the slums  and squalor of cities.

India today is burdened with many socio-political and economic problems. The youth can come forward and check them and work for the betterment of the nation. They should work for national integration. They should fight against communalism, fundamentalism, casteism, linguistic chauvinism, regionalism etc. In this context, the message of Swami Vivekanada would be apt and worth mentioning: “A brave, frank, clean-hearted, courageous and aspiring youth is the only foundation on which the future nation can be built”.

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