Every child sprouting into a mother’s womb has a design in the mind of God. One day old or nine months old, its message is sharp and shrill: “Do not nip me in the bud. I have a future. I was born in the mind of God. He has designed my destiny. Do not roadblock my passage. Do not tamper with God’s plan.’ I am a girl by my own right. So has my creator willed!”

Every girl child born into this world comes into our life with an equally strong message. The message we need to hear from her is: “I am an equal partner with every human being in God’s design of creation. My right to life is fundamental like everyone else’s. So is my nutrition, my growth. So is my education.  So are my legal rights, medical care, protection from discrimination, freedom from violence, and protection from the abuse of child marriage.

Hail the Creator who made the miracle of the girl child happen. Let us welcome the child as a co-traveller with us in this world. She needs to have her rightful place in this universe like every atom, like every one of us. Let our hearts be large. Let our affection be bountiful. Let our welcome be wholehearted.

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