A very relevant statement I have learnt from Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Indian nation is: “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed ”.

How true! The resources of the earth are for us all. But, when some grab more and deprive others of their rightful share, it is greed. It is greed that rides roughshod through the instrumentality of selfish people.

Their selfish acts are seen as amassing wealth at the expense of the poor, or by exploiting the labour force by not giving them proper wages. They run factories but care little for the pollution their factories and industries cause.  They destroy vast areas of forest to run their industries and cause floods, draught and famine.

They preach about ritual purity but pollute rivers and water sources by filling them with effluent, defecation or cadavers and corpses. They make laws about cleanliness and health but themselves care little to put into practice the laws they authored or preached about.  

They praise Gandhiji but also demonstrate how to kill him again and again by symbolically shooting at his photo or effigy in public. They seek to demonstrate that his preaching about the evil of greed or about truth and  Ahimsa is all irrelevant and bunkum.  What a strange world!

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