Is India derailed from its ‘tryst with destiny’?

Is India on the reverse gear to the land of unscientific and illogical module?

Why has aspirational India been arrested in its tracks with fundamentalism in the driving seat?

Should the Indian Constitutional guarantees be tampered with?

Why are minority communities not allowed enough legally guaranteed space in this secular India?

Why is the corporate world allowed to ride roughshod over the lives of indigenous communities and loot way the life resources of these communities?

Is freedom of expression in this free and independent India casualty today?

These and many such questions loom large on the horizon of our free India.

Let Aspirational India rise and take control of the destiny of the nation.

Let poverty be eradicated.

Let honest leadership be in the driving seat.

Let those who feed the nation with false promises be relegated to the background.

Let scientific temper overpower illogical and superstitious spread of fundamentalism.

Let every Indian feel safe in this secular India. Let no one religion dominate over others or threaten them.

Let divisions such as majority and minority be shown the door.

Rise India into a fearless world.

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