Every year on 15 May the International Day of Families is celebrated. In the global scenario, family is the basic unit of our global family.

Today we wish that every family in the world enjoys peace and serenity, happiness and hope. In today’s Covid-ravaged world, every family lives in fear bordering on terror. As if its members are going to be the next victims. Many pray to God to get this tragedy averted. Some live in frustration not knowing where to turn.

On the economic front, many have become jobless and impoverished. Unemployment has skyrocketed. Lockdown periods are suffocating. They road-block normal life. A heavy burden on family life! Hospital expenses are mindboggling.

Deaths stare in the face. Many families have lost their near and dear ones to Covid. Fear of further losses is ever on the mind’s screen.

There are consoling signs too!  Many have come out to reach out. To extend a helping hand to help financially, or to facilitate prospects of better treatment. Some others are helping with feeding the needy, burying the unclaimed dead or consoling the bereaved.  Some are turning the prayer wheel. Doors of institutions like schools and colleges are offering facilities for the treatment of Covid patients. And many more such acts of human fellowship are giving stimulus to families in this hour of pain and struggle.

Let us hope and pray that this Covid menace will make a quick exit it deserves. Let every family live in peace, in fellowship and in contentment. Let us all feel that we are a part of the global human family without any restrictions of caste or creed, colour or country!   

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