P. A. Chacko

Democracy at the grassroots. That is another word for Panchayati Raj.

Panchayati Raj, as Gandhiji dreamed, is the real ‘Ram Rajya’ which is totally different from ‘Ram Rashtra’ of the Hindutvawadis.

Gandhiji’s concept of ‘Swaraj’ or ‘Ram Rajya’ envisages all men and women of all faiths, caste, class, community or culture as one unit. Together they plan and promote self rule starting with the village, the very first segment of people’s democracy.

The Indian Constitution recognizes Panchayats as ‘Institutions of Self-government.’ The nation has 2.51 lakh Panchayats. They include 2.39 lakh Gram Panchayats, 6904 Block Panchayats and 589 District Panchayats. There is an army of more than 29 lakh Panchayat representatives.  

Though the Panchayats were in existence for a long time, they were toothless in functioning with upper classes and influential people dominating and with insufficient representation of SC/St groups.

The 73rd Constitutional Amendment 1992 brought into effect a sea change in Panchayati Raj representations and functioning.  It meant a radical shifting of power equations by vesting the grassroots with democratic self-government power.

The new Act has a three tier system. 1. Village Panchayat, 2. Intermediate Block/Mandal Panchayat and 3. District level.

There are seats reserved for SCs and STs. And, one third reservation for women.

The Chairperson at all levels will be reserved for SCs and STs as per population.

The Panchayats are authorized to prepare plans for economic development and social justice. The duration of the Panchayats is five years.

If the system functions properly, this ideal grassroots democracy will be beneficial for all sections of people. The corrupt political representatives, percentage seeking politicians, contractor lackeys and middlemen sucking away the best part of development projects, etc. will have to beat a retreat.

Let people’s power at the grassroots flourish and bear wholesome fruit!

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