P. A. Chacko
It is estimated that worldwide six million people succumb to death due to tobacco use.
Indian situation shows a reported every tenth adult smokes tobacco. 11.9% in rural areas and 8.3% in urban areas. 19% men engage in smoking, while it is 2% among women.
Khaini (tobacco mixed with lime) is very favourite among 11% Indians. Chewing or keeping it below the lower lip and getting a kick out of this stimulant mixture are very common among people at every stratum including school kids. Beedi or country cigarette, a tobacco product, is favourite among 7% Indians. Gurkha, a tobacco, lime and areca nut mixture is common among 7%.
Even when people are aware of their harmful effects such as cancer, ulcer, tumour, teeth and mouth decay, etc, they keep on getting addicted to tobacco use.
Harmful effects:
Central nervous system gets adversely affected by tobacco nicotine.
Infection of the respiratory system.
Cardiovascular system gets damaged.
Integumentary stem (skin, hair and nails) gets damaged.
Digestive system is put at risk.
Reproductive system suffers.