On April 14 India celebrates Ambedkar Jayanti. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891 and died on December 6, 1956.

Ambedkar was a giant in Indian politics. Jurist, economist, politician, social reformer, he was a freedom fighter. He fought for India’s freedom alongside Mahatma Gandhi. He was one the prime architects of the Indian Constitution. After India’s freedom in 1947 he continued fighting for the freedom of the marginalised Indians particularly the Dalits who were considered outcaste and untouchables. He also supported the cause of women and the working class.

As the 14th and last child of a poor Mahar (dalit) family in the central Indian province Madhya Pradesh in India, Ambedkar had seen for himself how his people suffered caste discrimination and oppression at the hands of upper caste people in the Hindu caste hierarchy. In 1956, in an open revolt against social discrimination, with thousands of Dalits he embraced Buddhism. It was a strong message for the upper castes and for the nation as a whole that the Dalits are not born as such by fate but are made so by people with vested interests and power mania.

Ambedkar fought for the dignity of the Dalits and for all poor exploited masses. No wonder, as one of the architects of the Constitution of India, he saw to that equality, freedom, right to a dignified life, freedom from exploitation, and freedom of religion were inserted as fundamental rights.

Ambedkar’s inspiration lives on. It inspires Indians to say no to all forms of marginalisation and exploitation of people. It inspires people to build a human society based on equality, human dignity, fellowship and social justice irrespective of caste, creed or religious beliefs.


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