Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus born in Bethlehem. Christians believe him to be God who appeared in human form.  No one offered a shelter at his birth. So his foster parents took refuge in a cave where animals had their night halt. Many prophesies had appeared about the exact nature of his birth.

Born as a human being he grew up in a family and experienced pains and struggle of common people. He vibrated with human feelings. As this child grew up in wisdom and maturity, he proclaimed: I have come that people may have life, life in abundance.

He saw the down-to-earth realities of exploitation and injustice, religious intolerance and fundamentalism.  He saw men and women enslaved by systems and structures of inequality. Lepers thrown out of social circles as outcaste! Fanatical religious fundamentalism dictating ritual rules to others while the very teachers and preachers remained whitened sepulchres. People seduced women and forced them to become prostitutes and later stoned them to death in public out of hypocrisy.

Jesus said no to such evil systems. He rebelled against sinful situations created by those who wielded religious, economic and political power. Touching a leper or even coming closer to him was forbidden. Jesus broke the rule. He touched the leper. Healed him. Told him to go back to human society. He knew the suffering of people living in poverty or without any help. The sight of a widow losing her only son melted his heart. He worked a miracle and restored the dead son to the mother.

He accepted invitation from so-called sinners or corrupt officials but only to challenge them and reform their lives. He touched their lives and they made a U turn and became honest citizens.

He stood up against injustice perpetrated against women. A woman accused of adultery was to be stoned. He challenged the accusers. He knew that some of the straight-laced accusers were party to her adultery. Jesus dared them all. If anyone of you is sinless, caste the first stone. One by one they disappeared. The woman repented. He gave her a strict warning not to go back to her past.

All along Jesus collected many enemies who plotted against him. They waited for a chance to eliminate him. They bribed one of his own disciples to betray his identity. Jesus said, if I have to die for what I stood for, for truth, love, justice and equality, so be it. Religious pundits and political weaklings joined hands as co-conspirators. They bribed social riff-raff to condemn the Nazarene. They crucified him in cold blood like a common criminal. Jesus surrendered his life for love of humanity. The Bethlehem child had grown in wisdom and maturity! He did not remain a child.

As we celebrate Christmas, let the life and light of Jesus vibrate the whole universe with love, peace, and fellowship.

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