The international Community of the United Nations decided in its General Assembly on 4 December 2000 to observe Dec. 18 as International Migrants Day. It took into account the ever increasing number of migrants in the world.

Prior to this date, on 18 December 1990 the UN General Assembly adopted the International Convention on the protection of the rights of migrant workers and members of their families.

Dec. 18 is observed as Migrants Day in order to make the world aware of the human rights and fundamental political freedoms of migrants.

People move out of their home base and seek work in other countries due to the effects of modernization or lack of job opportunities in the home country. Moreover, technology and development necessitate inviting skilled hands even from other countries. People are also forced to become migrants due to war and poor living conditions.

The UN invites all member states, non-governmental organist ions and institutions to observe this day by disseminating information on the rights and freedoms of migrants and to undertake positive action for protecting migrants.

Their voice needs to be heard. Their needs need to be looked into. The root cause of their forced exodus from their home base needs to be sought out and remedied. The living and pay conditions in host countries should be monitored. Many are lured by anti-social agents to apply for jobs only to be hoodwinked.

Weapon-supplying developed countries also play a major role in the forced exodus of people because these weapons are sold or supplied to bellicose countries or groups. From war-torn areas people are forced out for safety leaving their homes and resources.

Migrants are human beings. They need to be rehabilitated either back into their home base or need to be protected in host countries. Their human and fundamental rights need to be respected by one and all.


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