The UN Convention against corruption on October 31, 2003 set the tone for keeping Dec. 09 as International Anti-corruption Day.

The Convention saw corruption as a serious threat to stability and security of societies. ‘It undermines the institutions and values of democracy, ethical values and justice and jeopardizing sustainable development and rule of law.’

Today corruption has to be fought at different levels. In ordinary parlance corruption may mean monetary corruption. Someone makes illegal financial profit by offering services or benefits. Indeed, it is a major area of corruption. At the same time, there are many other forms of corruption – material, spiritual moral, social, cultural, political etc.

To build a wholesome society we need to say ‘No’ to various forms of corruption.

Say ‘No’ to taking bribe and giving bribe.

Say ‘No’ to using your power and authority to do/win favour for financial gain or for other benefit like promotion, etc.

Say ‘No’ to using religion to propagate corrupt practices or unethical activities.

Say ‘No’ to your urge to bow or prostrate before religious or political figures.

Say ‘No’ to people bowing before you or touching your feet or prostrating before you for any reason whatever.

Say ‘No’ to giving or taking facilitating money.

Say ‘No’ to stooping low to climb the ladder of benefits

Remember people are not God. Only megalomaniacs encourage people to prostrate before them. They suffer from psychosocial illusions that they are too small and the prostrating people can make them big! What a world we are living in. In Fool’s Paradise! Alice in Wonderland might have a more fitting description.

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