On December 3, every year, the world celebrates the Day of People with Disabilities. The United Nations proclaimed Dec.03 as the International Day of People with Disabilities in 1992. The objective was to promote love and respect for people with disabilities and to accept them as human beings and part of our human family.

Disability can be mental, physical, psychological, social, cultural even economic. All these different aspects need to be taken into consideration. Mental suffering can be caused by economic strain and people can be mentally or psychologically incapacitated due to tension anxiety or worry.

People with whatever disability are part of our human family. They can be children, our own children, brothers or sisters or parents. They can be our immediate or distant neighbours.

We need to accept them and their disability not as discomfort to us but a matter of concern for us.

We need to show our concern and care for them in whatever way we can. While crossing a street junction, can we help such people? They can be blind or elderly or lame.

We need to provide opportunities for them to develop their talents. Disabled people may have one or other special talent. Help them discover them and develop them.

We need to help them carry on with life’s affairs through employment or self help.

It is s not pity that they need. It is empathy we can contribute to enrich their life. We travel with them in their emotions, in their hopes and aspirations.

Do not treat them as disabled and wanting to need pity.

Love them. They are part o our human family.

Promote employment or self help for them from government sources or from NGOs.

As human beings like all others they too have human and fundamental rights. Equality, freedom, right to life, right to education, employment, family, association, work etc.

No school should refuse to accept them because they are disabled. Teach other children in the school to treat disabled students with love and respect.


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