Violence against women is generated in the psyche of mostly masculine and patriarchal world by the thought process that women are inferior. Hence, those who perpetrate violence against women think that women are made for suffering and absorbing any type of humiliation or ill treatment.

There are also many women with this mindset because they are sucked into the masculine and patriarchal world of thinking. Mother-in-law against daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law against mother-in-law, accusing neighbouring women as witches, women becoming agents of men for genital mutilation of women, etc. are a few that women do to women.

In the underdeveloped and developing world there is still a feeling among women themselves that they are inferior. This results from ignorance, illiteracy and lack of awareness.

Women have their natural and god-given rights. They also have human and fundamental rights recognised by national governments and international communities and organisations.

Violence against women is a human rights violation.

Violence against women is preventable. People need to respect women as human beings. Education of women and encouraging their awareness of their own worth are important. Women need to build up self confidence.

A girl child is as important as a male child. It is not the fault of a child to be born female. Abortion or killing of girl children or their ill treatment is to be eliminated from our human society.

A healthy and positive aptitude to women and girl children will help build a healthy and sensible human society.


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