Live and Let Live, Mother!

Mother, why do you want to nip me in the bud? Was it just an accident that I am born in your womb? I am part and parcel of your body and blood, your mind and soul. At one pint of time, you engaged in an act that resulted in my existence. Perhaps, some predator forced you into it? Or, poverty dragged you into it. Or,   in your teen frenzy, you went wild.  You had no choice, perhaps. Or, you chose your way without thinking of consequences.

You have umpteen explanations, mother. But, why am I being made a victim of rejection and even elimination? I am not just a lump of flesh in your womb. I vibrate with life. Your life! God-given life!

Are you conspiring with an uncaring and unfeeling world without human values and concern? I am unwanted because you want to live without me. Or, because I am a girl child! Or, because I am the result of rape! Your family honour will suffer if you accept that you have mothered a child.  Or, your boy friend ditched you. Or, you are a victim of circumstances.

Am I at fault? Whatever be your fears and predicaments, whatever be your anxieties and worries, I am your child! You are my mother! If you do away with me, you will have to answer for murder. The law may even come to your assistance. Your social and cultural mooring may absolve you. But, will God, my maker, absolve you? Does any god of any religion, for that matter, allow murder of an innocent child? Answer me, mother. Answer me! I am not just a lump or foetus. I pulsate with life. Don’t hang your head in shame or silence. Don’t look for a noose or a well or a rail track. Stand up. Own up. Live and let live, mother!

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