The advertising world is a tantalising one. ‘I am a modern woman…’ says a Vicco turmeric skin cream advertisement displaying a fair-skinned damsel. She has just walked out of a beauty parlour, as it were, with good old Binaca toothpaste smile.  She proposes to make every woman a dream girl with a dash and daub of Vicco cream.  It is another matter whether she believes an iota of what she proposes. Also it is totally another matter whether there is any grain of truth in the ad claim.

Maggi that danced its way into the mouth of children, housewives, busy executives and toothless grandmas is off the shelf. It had tickled the taste buds of millions all over the world. Because Nestle knew how to tickle the fancy of people who fall for anything wrapped in glittering promises. But what a fall there was for Nestle!

‘All that glitters is not gold’ is an old adage. But our human tendency is to go for it and give it a try. The curvaceous girls popping out of billboards at every curve are strategically placed there to capture the imagination of every passerby. But who cares if they drive you mad as you drive on negotiating the curve!

The Bollywood hero displaying a lanky pen with tall promises intends to make you believe that such a pen in your pocket will not only make you look like a hero but will surely make you a ‘modified’ gentleman.

Forget about the ethical part of such claims. The straight-laced moralist will question the veracity of such mesmerizing claims by asking whether the man himself believes in it. But who cares for veracity and morality. In a world where man eats man, the more important question is how to make a fast buck with a sleight of hand in the make believe ad mad market.

Thus, the magical world of advertisements is money spinning one. It employs unearthly ways and means to sneak into the privacy of your bedroom with every conceivable product possible. It invades your parlour and kitchen, your dining table, your office, your farmland, your backyard, your children’s study room, your moments of recreation and relaxation, and even your hour of prayer.

It will dictate to you what to wear and how to wear and even how much to wear. It bombards you at every nook and corner and even makes you change your living habits. It directs your eyes, controls your thoughts, deflects your powers of observation, transforms your imagination, tickles your fancy and makes your mouth water! It has ‘unbelievable offers,’ ‘bumper prizes,’ ‘price point offers,’ ‘ample discounts,’ ’12 hour deals,’ ‘24/7 delivery service,’ and what not!

It can tempt you to an ‘unknown’ destination of a dream home with home loan offers. It promises to make your life span stretchable like elastic with a few capsules imported from China.  The slippery world of German technology based footwear will make you a casual man graduating you to ‘aam aadmi’ culture.

The world is at your feet with instant degrees that can qualify for ministerial posts. Just sign up. In a world where education has been commercialised as an  industry, schools, colleges and universities mushroom with sky high claims making you believe that  ‘success is a race against time.’ Hence the call of the hour is to step into the ‘success industry’ without hesitation. The only requirement is your money bag.

Want to marry a velvet skinned girl? Forget about her further assets. Just spare a moment to scan through matrimonial ads. Looking for a Syrian bride or a Brahmin groom or a U.S. based nurse, or an NRI tycoon? They are all there waiting for you in the ad market.

The classifieds promise you the moon to help you enjoy a moonshine world. Longing for a second baptism? Just sign up our Jerusalem tour package. The accompanying priest guide will be there at the Jordan River to do the needful. After your second baptism you will be treated with a sumptuous dish of St. Peter’s prepaid fish on the shore of the Galilean lake. The tour management will take care of every detail including a portable confessional and foreign exchange.

Do not forget that ‘the great gold revolution’ is here. ‘We are your favourite jewellers,’ so goes the titillating chant; we are ‘the trusted institution of the millions.’ Just step in and be up for grabs. This glittering industry has bowled people over. It makes every woman believe that she will not look like a woman unless she wears the glittering metal.

‘Let your attitude speak.’ So have it on your sleeves by donning our latest Khajuraho sari. We believe in home delivery too at a mouse click or a phone call. Wear our denim and be a ‘modified’ man!  You will be the pride of India. Just walk in through our revolving door and step into the dressing parlour. And step out wearing a broad smile!

Have a pick of our latest Rolex watch and present it to your boyfriend to make him a perfect man. Get into his heart with our prize catch. That is the magic way!

The ad mad world is peopled with children, teens, adults and even chick-looking grandmas and toothless grandpas displaying ‘utterly butterly’ things, pickles and chilli powder, degrees and certificates, tablets and tricks and what have you. They are all product pushers, gloriously named brand ambassadors. They enjoy the roaring money spinning business. The genuineness of the product or the merit of what they dish out in front of us does not seem to concern them.  Oblivious of their legal accountability, they think that ‘all the world is a stage’ for them to dance their way into our hearts and homes. And we gullible onlookers get sucked into their mesmerizing world paying a heavy price!



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